Motivational Wallpapers: The Epitome of Office Self-Care

Self-care is something we could all do with focusing on. But, with busy lives and busy jobs, self-care often gets brushed under the carpet. Finding little ways to incorporate self-care into our days will all add up. Self-care is all about refilling our bucket (a euphemism my therapist taught me) and how we fill our bucket is different for all of us.[1] This little blog post will talk to you about the benefit of using motivational wallpapers, whether on your phone, laptop, or desktop. Motivational wallpapers are an easy, and cheap, way to bring a little self-care into our lives, especially at work.

Motivation comes in many different forms.

You might need some extra motivation for cracking on with your work. Or it might be something personal, like taking care of yourself. No matter what you need that added motivation boost for, a motivational wallpaper might be just the thing you need to keep going. The idea of motivational wallpapers comes from the age-old self-care technique of using positive affirmations. These are phrases that you read, or say aloud, to remind you that you are important. They are usually along the lines of, “You are enough.” Which is a perfect thing to put on a motivational wallpaper, if you wanted.

The idea of having something motivating on the screen in front of you, is that it reminds you of what is important.[2]

When you unlock your phone, the reminder is there. When you unlock your laptop, the reminder is there. It keeps the motivational quote in the forefront of your brain. Find one that suits your requirements, and get on with your day as normal. When you check your phone, or look at your home screen, the motivation is right there in front of you. You can choose to have the same motivational wallpaper across your devices, or mix and match, depending upon whether it’s a work or home device.

Motivational wallpapers don’t necessarily have to be electronic.

If you’re not one for technology, you could try printing off the wallpaper and pinning it to your wall, or sticking it in your notepad. Using rose gold accessories to display your wallpaper will draw your attention to it, and give it an added bit of sparkle! You could even match the motivational wallpapers to your color schemes if you feel like making your desk a little extra chic. This product, Daily Affirmations, is a great choice if you’re looking for something to add to your workspace.

At the end of the day, we all have things to be reminded of.

We all have doubts about ourselves, or things we’d like to improve upon, and motivational wallpapers are an easy, and cost-effective, way to do that. They can boost productivity and improve your confidence. Using a motivational wallpaper doesn’t mean you are not strong, it means you are working on yourself and that deserves a hell of a lot of praise. Keep going! Find the motivational quote for you, and keep fighting. You’ve got this!

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